Keg Coupler Adapter Kit - Gas and Liquid Posts


Sale price$21.83

Product Details

The Kegco Keg Coupler Adapter Kit includes a gas and liquid post that allow you to switch your lines between commercial kegs and Cornelius home-brew kegs in seconds. This set makes it easier than ever before to store and dispense both home brew and store bought beer off of the same system.

Using the adapter kit is as easy as screwing the conversion fittings into a Sankey coupler and installing a ball lock coupler on the posts. The biggest advantage of an adapter kit aside from no longer dealing with the hassle of switching tubing connections is not having to continually tap and untap the Sanke keg when switching back and forth. The Kegco Keg Coupler Adapter Set is the best solution to dispensing several beers you have on tap, at once.


  • The Kegco Keg Coupler Adapter Kit includes a gas and liquid post that allow you to switch your lines between commercial kegs and Cornelius home-brew kegs in seconds
  • Using the adapter kit is as easy as screwing the conversion fittings into a Sankey coupler and installing a ball lock coupler on the posts
  • The liquid and gas posts replace the barb fittings on your Sanke coupler to match the posts on a typical Cornelius ball lock style keg
  • The biggest advantage of an adapter kit aside from no longer dealing with the hassle of switching tubing connections is not having to continually tap and untap the Sanke keg when switching back and forth
  • This set makes it easier than ever before to store and dispense both home brew and store bought beer off of the same system


Most items ship out within 1-3 business days by FedEx, UPS or USPS. Large items are shipped via Motor Freight Standard curbside delivery. Most delivery times take around 3 to seven business days for delivery. If you require faster shipping, please call our Customer Service Dept. at 1-888-980-4810 for expedited shipping rates. Carefully inspect all merchandise before signing the release with the freight carrier. Items shipped via Common Carrier will have a flat rate shipping charge applied to that item. Multiple orders of these items will be the flat rate multiplied by the quantity. All shipments made via Common Carrier are for curb-side service only. Use of a lift-gate or inside delivery service will carry additional charges. When receiving shipments from Common Carrier it is recommended the Buyer have two people to help receive and move the item. Please contact us for special service deliveries. No shipments or deliveries are made on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Kegco is not responsible for delays in shipping due to weather, mechanical failures, typographical and/or transcribing errors, and others factors beyond our control.

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