17" Wide Illy-Bag-In-A-Box Cold Brew Coffee Single Tap Black Mini Kegerator

KegcoSKU: BF HK-46-IY

Sale price$1,660.91

Product Details

The EXCLUSIVE Kegco HK-46-IY Illy-Bag-In-A-Box Cold Brew Coffee Mini Kegerator is a collaboration between renowned beer dispensing manufacturer, Kegco, and the gourmet coffee makers, Illy. This cold brew coffee dispenser is specifically designed to dispense the Illy-Bag-In-A-Box Gourmet Cold Brew Coffee, which is a delightfully rich, creamy, and decadent gourmet cold brew. With notes of chocolate and minimal bitterness, this cold brew coffee is only enhanced by the innovative and exclusive Kegco dispense system. With a unique motor that creates a nitro infusion-effect without the need for a nitrogen tank, it adds body and richness to this gourmet coffee, making it creamy, thick, and gives it a foamy top layer. This innovative technology and gourmet coffee is exclusively sold at the Beverage Factory.

The sleek and compact design allows it to sit perfectly on a counter top or or in small spaces. This exclusive model to the Kegco range is a commercial-grade unit and is designed for use in offices, homes, coffee shops, and restaurants. Fully equipped with high-quality commercially-rated parts, this counter top kegerator optimally dispenses the Illy-Bag-In-A-Box Cold Brew Coffee. The nitro stout faucet allows cold brew coffee to perfectly cascade and create a creamy foamy head. The compact cabinet can hold up to one Illy-Bag-In-A-Box, which is 5 liters of coffee, delivering approximately up to 21 8oz. servings. Food-grade and high-quality, the dispense equipment included premium parts backed by years of industry experience and exceptional customer service. Portable and easy to maintain this mini cold brew kegerator delivers consistently great tasting nitro cold brew every pour.

Designed for Illy-Bag-In-A-Box Cold Brew Coffee

Specifically designed to serve Illy's innovative Illy-Bag-In-A-Box Cold Brew Coffee, which is premium gourmet coffee perfectly packaged in a disposable bag-in-a-box that can be easily installed into the Kegco dispense system. Easier to install than a keg, this cold brew dispense system is an essential from offices to restaurants.

Sleek & Compact

The sleek and compact design allows this kegerator to sit on a counter top without taking up space and can be easily moved as needed. This small counter top kegerator is an exclusive Kegco design and allows coffee shops, offices, bars, and restaurants to easily incorporate a kegerator despite space limitations. Easily plugs into a standard electrical outlet and low-profile design allow it to seamlessly integrate into most spaces.

Nitro Stout Faucet

The premium stainless steel nitro stout faucet ensures a beautiful cascading effect when pouring and results in a creamy and foamy head. The stainless steel design prevent corrosion and unwanted flavors from infusing into your brew.

Compatible with Illy-Bag-In-A-Box Cold Brew Coffee

This javarator is easy to assemble and doesn't require a CO2 or nitrogen tank to dispense the coffee. The liquid line connection easily attaches to the the Illy-Bag-In-A-Box, allowing you to immediately dispense creamy and rich cold brew coffee.

Versatile Design

With a field reversible door design, customize your dispense system to suit your needs. The parts can be easily changed out and upgraded as needed, allowing you to fully customize your cold brew serving experience.

Commercial-Grade Kegerator

Designed for commercial use, this kegerator contains a powerful compressor cooling system and high-quality commercial-grade parts to ensure consistently perfect pours. The stainless steel faucet ensures flavors are consistent and will be unaffected be the dispensing process. LED temperature control display allows you to easily adjust and control the internal temperature of your kegerator.

Powerful Motor

Powerful motor ensures even and exceptional pours every time without the need for a nitrogen tank. This unique motor maintains the delightfully creamy and rich texture of the coffee. This pouring mechanism preserves the quality and taste of the cold brew coffee until the last drop.


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