Stainless Contact Guinness Dispensing Stout Beer Faucet - Set of 6


Sale price$345.87

Product Details

The Kegco Stainless Contact Guinness® Dispensing Stout Beer Faucet features 100% stainless steel contact for the utmost in sanitation and durability. This stout faucet is required to properly pour Guinness® and achieve the famous and unique head on the beer. This specialty European stout beer faucet works by pulling forward and down on the tap handle. The economy stout faucet includes a restricted spout that contains a tiny disc that helps slow down the pour and allows the beer to pour properly. If you remove the restrictor disc you can use the faucet to pour any regular beer.


  • The Kegco Stainless Contact Guinness® Dispensing Stout Beer Faucet features 100% stainless steel contact for the utmost in sanitation and durability
  • This stout faucet is required to properly pour Guinness® and achieve the famous and unique head on the beer
  • The economy stout faucet includes a restricted spout that contains a tiny disc that helps slow down the pour and allows the beer to pour properly.
  • This specialty European stout beer faucet works by pulling forward and down on the tap handle
  • If you remove the restrictor disc you can use the faucet to pour any regular bee


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